To activate your ELS you press Q to enable the lights and ALT to enable sirens, if you wish to use the bull horn you press X if you press R that switches your tones. Pressing Q again enables your 'On Scene' lights Pressing K will enable your 'Rear Reds' Allot of our vehicles utilise a siren limit adjuster, this is required for some lights on some vehicles to work. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1253091903440818209/1273024052625145856/SirenSetting_Limit_Adjuster.asi?ex=66c8f909&is=66c7a789&hm=681bb36327af673e356c4ef795a2c6951245c4b964bffd53d19a20861c75cb3f& Open that link then drag and drop the file into your FiveM plugins folder
Last updated