💬Useful Extra Info
This is a list of useful server commands that you may find yourself using regularly GENERAL SERVER COMMANDS /openspawnselect - Opens the spawn menu. /emotemenu - Opens the emote menu. /donvs - Opens the donator vehicle spawn menu. /civvs - Opens the Server Booster spawn menu. /do - Shows what you're doing to players nearby. /me - Shows what you're doing overhead to nearby players. /gme - Shows what you're doing to ALL players. /ad - Puts out an advert of your description. /darkweb Puts an anonymous message in the chat. /twitter - Puts a message out on twitter. /radio - Opens the handheld radio. /fq ## - Joins the specified radio frquency. /postal #### - Creates a waypoint to the specified postal. /vgps - Activates the voice GPS in your vehicle. /mdt - Opens the CAD/MDT. /id - Shows nearby player IDs. /calladmin - Calls a admin in game. /report [ID] [reason] - Reports a player in game. CLOTHING COMMANDS /hat - Toggles your hat. /pants - Toggles your trousers. /ear - Toggles your ear accessory. /top - Toggles your top. /gloves - Toggles your goves. /hair - Puts your hair up or down. /visor - Opens/Closes your visor. /vest - Toggles your vest. /bag - Opens/Closes your bag. /bracelet - Toggles your bracelet. /bagoff - Toggles your bag. /neck - Toggles your neck accessory. /mask - Toggles your mask. POLICE COMMANDS /cuff - Rear Cuffs the nearby player. /frontcuff - Front Cuffs the nearby player. /resetcuff - Resets the Cuff command. /drag - Drags the nearby player. /jail 2024 [id] [time] - Jails player for specified time. /tape - Spawns the Police Tape prop. /tapemenu - Opens the Tape menu. /ipp - Displays the IPP message. /iccodes - Displays all IC Codes. /handbook - Displays the police handbook. /methane - Displays the METHANE abbreviation. /breatha - Breath Tests the nearby player. /druga - Drug Tests the nearby player. /search - Searches the nearby player. /searchVeh - Searches the nearby vehicle. ANPR COMMANDS /anpr - Toggles ANPR interface. /fixedanpr - Toggles alerts for the Fixed cameras. /vehicleanpr - Toggles alerts from your Vehicle cameras. /readplate - Reads the VRN of the vehicle infront. /checkplate PLATE - Displays current markers for the specified plate. /focusanpr PLATE - Sets a GPS Route to ANPR pings of the specified plate. /setplateinfo PLATE;MARKERS - Adds the specified markers to the plate. eg /setplateinfo AB12CDE;LOS - Adds "Lost or Stolen" markers to the plate. LFB COMMANDS /hose - Toggles the Hose from your inventory. /foam - Toggles the Foam option on the hose. /fan - Places/Removes the Fan. /stabilisers - Places/Removes the Stabalisers. /watermonitor - Place/Remove the water monitor. /throwbag - Spawns the throw bag. /spreaders - Toggles the Spreaders from your inventory. LAS COMMANDS Press H - Opens the medical menu (keybind can be changed). Hold Z - Opens the prop menu when facing the ambulance/prop. /place - Places the item you are carrying. /stretcher - Spawns a stretcher, use "e" at rear of ambulance to stow/retrieve. CIVILIAN COMMANDS /999 - Opens the emergency hotline menu. /startfire - Starts a fire. /stopfire - Stops the nearby fire. /startsmoke - Starts smoke. /stopsmoke - Stops the nearby smoke. /breath ## - Replace # with a number for the specified alcohol level. eg /breath 35 - Returns a reading of 35mg/100ml. /saliva X Y - Replace X & Y with true OR false. X = Cannabis, Y = Cocaine. eg /saliva true false - Returns a reading of Cannabis = Positive, Cocaine = False. /inventory - Responds to the "/search" command. ANPR COMMANDS /setvehinfo MARKERS - Adds the specified markers to the current vehicle. eg /setvehinfo LOS - Adds "Lost or Stolen" markers to the current vehicle. Leave MARKERS blank to remove current markers.
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